22 Ottobre 2024

Small laminating machine 

code: Small laminating machine  - ROSSELLI MACHINES
with rebeading machine
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information request form
Per ricevere informazioni compilare con i dati richiestiil
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The website www.eng.stampirosselli.it collects some of the users' personal data who browse the website.

In accordance with the commitment and attention we place on personal data and in accordance with art. 13 and 14 of EU GDPR, www.eng.stampirosselli.it provides information on methods, purposes, communication and dissemination of personal data and user rights.

Personal data controller
Rosselli Srl
Via G. Puccini, 30
56027 - San Miniato (PI) Italia
P.IVA e C.F. 01676500505

Email: info@stampirosselli.it
Telefono: 0571 33045
Fax: 0571 33787

Types of acquired data
www.eng.stampirosselli.it collects users' data directly or through third parties. The types of collected data are: technical navigation data, usage data, email, name, surname, telephone number, province, country, cap, city, address, company name, status, cookies and other types of data. Further details on the collected data are provided in the following sections of this same statement.
Personal data are provided deliberately by the user through the compilation of forms, or, in case of usage data, such as data relating to navigation statistics, they are collected automatically by browsing the pages of www.eng.stampirosselli.it.

The data required by the forms are divided between mandatory and optional; on each form the two types will be indicated separately. In case the user prefers not to disclose mandatory data, www.eng.stampirosselli.it reserves the right not to provide the service. In case the user prefers not to communicate optional data, the service will be provided anyway by www.eng.stampirosselli.it.

www.eng.stampirosselli.it uses statistics tools to track users´ browsing, the data analysis is done via log. www.eng.stampirosselli.it does not use cookies directly but may use cookies including third-party services.

Each cookie usage is regulated in the Cookie Policy (https://www.eng.stampirosselli.it/Cookies-Policy.htm) and subsequently in this same statement.
The user who communicates, publishes, disseminates, shares or obtains third party personal data via www.eng.stampirosselli.it assumes full responsibility for them. The user frees the owner of the website from any direct responsibility and towards third parties, guaranteeing to have the right to communication, publication, dissemination thereof. www.eng.stampirosselli.it does not provide services to users under the age of 18. In the case of demands made for minors, the parent or the person holding parental authority must fill in the data requests.

Methods, places and times of processing the acquired data
Methods of processing the acquired data
The owner has designed an IT system suitable to ensure security measures deemed appropriate to prevent access, disclosure, modification or unauthorized cancellation of personal data. The same system makes daily copies, considered sufficiently adequate, according to the importance of the data it contains.

The user has the right to get information about the security measures taken by the owner to protect data.

Access to data in addition to the holder
The personal data collected by www.eng.stampirosselli.it can be acceded by the internal staff (such as administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrators) and / or external subjects (such as third-party IT service providers, webfarm, communication agencies, suppliers of complementary services). When necessary, these structures are appointed by the data controller.

The user can request the updated list of data controllers at any.

Communication of any unwanted access to the Privacy Guarantor
The aforementioned IT system is daily monitored and checked by system technicians and engineers. But the fact remains that, even if considered remote possibility, there may be unwanted access. If this happens, the owner commits itself, as per GDPR, to communicate it to the Privacy Guarantor within the terms established by law.

Collected data retention
Personal data are kept and processed in the owner's operational and administrative offices, as well as in the webfarms where the servers that hosting www.eng.stampirosselli.it website reside, or on the servers that make the backup copies. The personal data of the user may reside in Italy, Germany or in the Netherlands, however in countries of the European Community. The user´s personal data are never brought or copied outside the European territory.

Retention times of the acquired data
In case of data acquired to provide a service to the user, (both for a purchased service and for a trial) the data is stored for 24 months after the completion of the service. Or until the consent is revoked.

In the event that the holder is obliged to keep personal data in compliance with a legal obligation or for an authority order, the holder may retain the data for a longer time, necessary to fulfil the obligations.

At the end of the retention period, personal data will be deleted. After the deadline, you will no longer be able to access your data, request its deletion and portability.

Legal basis for acquired data processing
The owner acquires users' personal data in the cases here below described.
Treatment is necessary:
- if the user has deliberately accepted the treatment for one or more purposes;
- to provide a quote to the user;
- to provide a contract to the user;
- to provide a service to the user;
- for the holder to fulfill a legal obligation;
- for the holder to fulfill a task of public interest;
- because the owner can fulfill an exercise of public authority;
- because the owner or third parties can pursue their legitimate interests.

At any time the user can request to the data controller clarifications on the legal basis of each treatment.

Purposes of the processing of acquired data
User's data is collected by the holder for the following purposes:

- sending commercial information on products and services;
- sending technical information on products and services;
- sending estimates;
- sending advertising newsletters.

It could be possible that data can also be processed for:
contacting the user, statistics, analysis of the user's behavior and session recording, content display and interaction of external applications, spam protection, payment management, interaction with social networks, advertising.

At any time the user can request to the data controller clarifications on the legal basis of each treatment.

Specific details on the acquisition and use of personal data
To contact the user
Contact forms
The user can fill in the contact form / request information, inserting his / her data and consenting to their use to respond to the requests of nature indicated in the header of the form.
Personal data that could be collected: ZIP code, city, surname, email address, country, name, telephone number, province, company name.

Newsletter or SMS
The user can subscribe to the website's www.eng.stampirosselli.it newsletter. To the email address specified by the user, messages containing technical, informative, commercial and / or promotional information can be sent.
Newsletter registration is performed with double opt-in.
The user is sent an email (to the email address indicated) with a link to click on to confirm that the user is really the owner of the email address.

The same service can be done via SMS.
Personal data that could be collected: ZIP code, city, surname, email address, country, name, telephone number, province, company name.

For interaction with external applications (even social networks)
www.eng.stampirosselli.it includes in its pages plugins and / or buttons to interact with social networks and / or external applications.
As for social networks, even if the user does not use the service on the web page, it is possible that the service acquires traffic data.

The data acquired and the use of the same by third-party services are governed by the respective Privacy Policy to which we refer.

Facebook: "Like" button and social widgets
Service provider: Meta Platforms Ireland Limited.
Purpose of the service: interaction with the social network Facebook
Personal data collected: cookies, usage data
Place of processing: United States and other countries
Privacy Policy (https://www.facebook.com/privacy/policy)

Twitter: "Tweet" button and social widgets
Service provider: Twitter, Inc.
Purpose of the service: interaction with the social network Twitter
Personal data collected: cookies, usage data
Place of processing: United States
Privacy Policy (https://twitter.com/privacy)
Cookie utilizzati (https://help.twitter.com/it/rules-and-policies/twitter-cookies)
Adhering to the Privacy Shield

Whatsapp: Whatsapp button and Whatsapp social widgets
Service provider: if the user resides in the European Region, WhatsApp Ireland Limited, if the user resides outside the European Region, the Services are provided by WhatsApp LLC.
Purpose of the service: interaction services with Whatsapp.
Personal data collected: cookies, usage data
Place of processing: Ireland, the information may be transferred or transmitted or stored and processed in the United States or other third countries outside the one in which the user resides.
Privacy Policy (https://www.whatsapp.com/legal/privacy-policy-eea)
Adhering to the Privacy Shield

To view content from external websites
These services are used to display content on the website pages that are external to the website, with the possibility of interaction.
Even if the user does not use the service present on the web page, it is possible that the service acquires traffic data.

The data acquired and the use of the same by third-party services are governed by the respective Privacy Policy to which we refer.

Google Maps widget
Service provider: Google, Inc.
Purpose of the service: service to view and interact with external maps on your website
Personal data collected: cookies, usage data
Place of processing: United States
Privacy Policy (https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=it)
Adhering to the Privacy Shield

YouTube Video Widget
Service provider: Google, Inc.
Purpose of the service: service to view and interact with external videos on your website
Personal data collected: cookies, usage data
Place of processing: United States
Privacy Policy (https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=it)
Adhering to the Privacy Shield

Data subject's rights
The user owns all the rights provided for by the art. 12 of EU GDPR, the right to check, modify and supplement (rectify), delete his/her personal data by accessing his/her personal area. Once all data has been deleted, the access account to the reserved area is closed.

Specifically, he/she has the right to:
- know if the owner holds the user's personal data (Article 15 Right of access);
- modify or supplement (rectify) inaccurate or incomplete personal data (Article 16 Right of rectification);
- request cancellation of one, more or part of the personal data held in case of one of the reasons provided for by the GDPR (Right to Delete, 17);
- partially limit personal data processing, or completely revoke the consent to the processing, in case there is one of the reasons provided for by the Regulation (Article 18 Right to limit the processing);
- receive a copy of all personal data held by the owner, in a commonly used organized format, and also readable by an automatic device (Article 20, Right to Portability);
- object in whole or in part to the data processing for marketing purposes, for example to object and receive advertising offers (Article 21 Right to Opposition). Users are reminded that they can oppose the data processing used for advertising purposes, without providing any reasons;
- oppose to data processing in automatic mode or not for profiling purposes (so-called Consent).

How to exercise your rights
The user can exercise his / her rights as stated above sending a request to the data controller Rosselli Srl to the following addresses: info@stampirosselli.it; tel. 0571 33045; fax 0571 33787.

The request to exercise one's own right has no cost. The owner agrees to fulfill the requests as quickly as possible, and in any case within one month.

The user has the right to propose a complaint to the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data. Addresses: garante@gpdp.it, http://www.gpdp.it (http://www.gpdp.it).

Cookie Policy
It is recommended to consult in detail the Cookie Policy (https://www.eng.stampirosselli.it/Cookies-Policy.htm).

Additional information on data processing
Defense in court
In case of recourse to the court for abuse by the user, in the use of www.eng.stampirosselli.it or the services connected to it, the holder has the right to reveal the user's personal data. He is also obliged to provide the aforementioned data at the request of the public authorities.

Request for specific information
The user has the right to request specific information to www.eng.stampirosselli.it for the website and / or the collection services concerning the use of personal data.

Data collection for system logs and maintenance
www.eng.stampirosselli.it and / or third-party services (if any) may collect the user's personal data, such as the IP address, in the form of a system log. The collection of this data is linked to the operation and maintenance of the website.

Information not contained in this policy
The user has the right to request at any time to the data controller the additional information not present in this Policy regarding personal data processing The holder can be contacted via the contact details.

Support for "Do Not Track" requests
"Do Not Track" requests are not supported by www.eng.stampirosselli.it.
The user is invited to consult the Privacy Policy of the third-party services listed above to find out which ones support these types of requests.

Changes to this Privacy Policy
The owner has the right to modify this document by notifying users on this page or, if required, through the contacts in his possession. The user is therefore invited to periodically consult this page. To confirm the actual modification refer to the last modification date indicated at the bottom of the page.
The owner will collect the user's consent again if the changes to this document concern data processing for which the consent is required.

Definitions and legal framework
Personal data (or data, or user data)
It is personal data that identifies or makes a physical person identifiable, directly or indirectly, and that can provide information on personal characteristics, habits, lifestyle, personal relationships, state of health, economic situation, etc.

Source: website of the Privacy Guarantor (http://www.garanteprivacy.it).

Usage data
The information that is automatically collected during the browsing of www.eng.stampirosselli.it is used, both from the website itself and from the third party applications included in the site. Examples of data usage are the IP address and the details of the device and the browser (including geographic location) that the user uses to navigate the site, the pages viewed and the length of time the user stays on the individual pages.

The subject using the website www.eng.stampirosselli.it.
It coincides with the interested party, unless otherwise specified.

Interested is the natural person to whom the personal data refer. So, if a treatment concerns, for example, the address, the tax code, etc. by Mario Rossi, this person is the interested party (article 4, paragraph 1, point 1) of the 2016/679 EU Regulation (http://www.garanteprivacy.it/regolamentoue).

Source: website of the Privacy Guarantor (http://www.garanteprivacy.it).

Processing controller (or responsible)
Responsible is the natural or legal person to whom the holder entrusts, even outside of its organizational structure, specific and defined management and control tasks on its behalf of data processing (Article 4, paragraph 1, point 8), of the 2016/679 EU Regulation (http://www.garanteprivacy.it/regolamentoue). The Regulation itself introduced the possibility that a manager can, in turn and under certain conditions, designate another "sub-responsible" subject (Article 28, paragraph 2).

Source: website of the Privacy Guarantor (http://www.garanteprivacy.it).

Data controller (or holder)
Holder is the natural person, the public authority, the enterprise, the public or private entity, the association, etc., which adopts the decisions on the aims and the modalities of the treatment (article 4, paragraph 1, point 7) , of the 2016/679 EU Regulation (http://www.garanteprivacy.it/regolamentoue).

Source: website of the Privacy Guarantor (http://www.garanteprivacy.it).

www.eng.stampirosselli.it (or website)
The website through which the user's personal data are collected and processed.

The service offered by the website www.eng.stampirosselli.it as indicated in the relative terms.

European Community (or EU)
Every reference concerning the European Community extends to all current states member of the European Union and the European Economic Area, unless otherwise specified.

Data stored in the user's device.

Legal references
This information is prepared on the basis of multiple legislative systems, including articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. This information concerns only www.eng.stampirosselli.it , unless otherwise specified.

Privacy privacy policy updated on 07/10/2022 09:20
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